Aztec Man Art Learning

Basic Nahuatl Phrases & Greetings

Nahuatl for Beginners

Hello:  Pialli (pee-ahh-lee)

Please:  NimitztlaTlauhtia(nee-meetz-tla-tlaw-ti-ah)

Thank You:  Tlazocamati (tlah-so-cah-mah-tee)

Thank You very Much:  Tlazohcamati huel miac. (tlah-so-cah-mah-tee wehl me-ahk)

You’re Welcome/It’s nothing:  Ahmitla (ahh-mee-tla)

Excuse me:  Moixpantzinco (mo-eesh-pahntz-ink-oh)

How Are You?  Quenin tica?/Quen timohuica? (keh-nihn tee-kah/ kehn-ti-mo-we-kah)

And You\You as Well:  Huan Tah (wahn-tah)

Good:  Cualli (kwal-lee)

Very Good:  Cualli Cualli (kwal-lee, kwal-lee)

Not Good/Bad:  Amo Cualli (ah-moh kwah-lee)

Yes:  Quema (keh-ma)

No/not:  Amo (ah-mo)

(Good) Morning:  (Cualli) Tlanecic (kwal-lee tlah-neh-seek)

Good Afternoon:  Cualli Teotlac / Tiotaqui  (kwal-lee tay-oh-tlahk / ti-oh-tah-kee)

Good Night:  Cualli Yohualli / Tayohua (kwal-lee yoh-wah-lee / tah-yo-wah)

Good Bye/See You Later:  Timo-itazke (tee-mo ee-tahz-keh) | Totazkeh (toh-tahs-keh)

Have a Good Day:  Ma Cualli Tonalli (mah kwal-lee toh-nah-lee)

Have a Good Night:  Ma Cualli Yohualli  (mah kwal-lee yo-wa-lee)

Be Well:  Ma Xipahtinemi  (mah-shee-pah-tee-neh-mee)

I Love You :  Nimitztlazohtla Noyollotzin (nee-meetz-tlah-zoh-tla  no-yoh-loht-seen)

About the author

Miguel Quimichipilli Bravo— Chicano-P'urhepecha from Venice, CA. Native-Indigenous spiritual activist, educator, lettering artist, musician, and Native spiritual run organizer since 2002.